Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A loss, hiatus, and somewhat of a return.

My laptop died. It fell ill for a while, but I didn't suspect the seriousness of the condition at all. It was fine and then one day I found it unresponsive. We tried our best to revive it.. but despite our best efforts, it was declared dead on January 18th at 12:07a.m. I was so reluctant to pull the plug, but it had to be done. I am still in denial. I just can't believe it. It was alive and working just the day before. It was still young... 

Due to the unfortunate circumstances, I have been neglecting this blog. My laptop and I, we started this blog together. It will be hard to continue without it. But this post is my first effort to move on. 

As my blog was created to share my food adventures, I have an obligation to write something about food. Here it is:

Just the other day, I finally discovered Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup in the import foods grocery store called Jupiter in the underground shopping area, CRYSTA, in Shinsaibashi. 

It's not too difficult to find the Campbell's brand in major Japanese supermarkets. However, I find they only have a few types of soups and the same ones in every place they're found. Usually, these are potage, cream corn, minestrone, and clam chowder. So the discovery of chicken noodle soup was pretty exciting, since I was craving it during my cold a few weeks back. 

So, there you go. They do have chicken noodle soup in Japan. 

If only I had found it before my laptop passed on... I could have treated it better. I didn't even have a chance to say "goodbye."